Viscosity is a measurement of a fluid's resistance to change or deformation, or more simply put, how thick it is. Thus, water is "thin", having a lower viscosity, while honey is "thick", having a higher viscosity. Temperature in Farenheight Time in secsCold 28.20 2246.80Room Temp 72.70 336.51Hot 208.00 1.43. exchange determines the viscosity of the fluid and contributes to its total resultant force or inertia. On the second graph, plot the K values for the fittings (y-axis . Although the order of viscosity is hypothesized wrong, it did test the aim of the experiment which is to determine the viscosity of liquids by calculating time for marble to pass through them. Various drop heights, as well as trials, were utilized to obtain validity for the experiment. Medium 1 0. acting on the sphere but the sum of all the forces will be zero. Discuss your results, focusing on the following: We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. This lab report will address changes in rheological parameters of fluids measured How does heat affect viscosity? Two experiments (8 + 8 marks) are asked from each section in the practical exam. meaning that the ball bearing does not create turbulence in its wake. Cite this page Viscosity Research Paper Pages: 2 (520 words) Psychological stress among undergraduate medical students and their coping strategies, Direct, Indirect applicability and State Liability. The flow of a liquid depends on the Reynolds number as depicted in the equation below; The viscosity of a liquid can be measured using a viscometer. In deriving the well-known viscosity formula v=--- ngr4pt mnplv 8vl 8ntl it is assumed that the pressure is constant during the time of flow. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. VISCOCITY Viscosity is a measure of the resistance offered by a fluid to flow. Create your account. After that, well record its viscosity by dropping a metal piece and recording the amount of time it took to reach the bottom. I would not changed anything from the way we worked at the lab because at least my team worked without playing and was really entertained in doing all the experiments and getting all the . Motor oil 30. the resistance to an externally applied shear stress. From the pressure diagrams, it was concluded that there was a high-pressure gradient at the leading edge and decreased through the aerofoil. Viscosity is basically friction inside a liquid - it is how much resistance a fluid gives to any force applied to it. Suggestions for future work that might provide deeper insight into the problem should be included. Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. Solid densities: from about 0. ResultsHere is a table of the data we collected in this experiment. Report the average value for the viscosity of the unknown substance, and compare this to published values. 35 Easy Science Experiments You Can Do Today! references values. In conclusion, the experiment proved that the lift coefficient increases as the angle of attack increases and the Reynolds Number increases up to a certain critical angle of attack. Drop 3 220 0. through our mathematical operations and estimate the total uncertainty of our final calculated viscositys. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. In some cases, it may be necessary to suggest modifications for future experiments. Introduction and Theory. Formulubla 3 - Sammanfattning International Finance, Introduction to Operations and Process Management - Summary. Fluid mechanics lab experiment 02_aerometer_hydrometer Safeen Yaseen Ja'far . Sphere Average Speed[m/s] Standard deviation Ask for help with any form of tutoring and academic assistance at Tutlance. no longer supports Internet Explorer. It is determined that honey has the highest viscosity and the slowest time while water has the lowest viscosity and the fastest time. 3. We'll not send Motor oil 05%, For result analysis and evaluation we calculated the average Reynolds number for each fluid with the 10. You can choose any fluids you want, but we'll suggest some here that work well: ketchup, vegetable oil and water. Pages 1, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree to the terms and conditions of our service. 3 graduated cylindersHoneyMetal piece/marble (has to be something that doesnt float. Drop 2 44 1. Viscosity Experiment. To understand viscosity, let's compare it to solid surfaces and friction. Table 1: Sphere Measurements and Calculated Density. 13. Drop 3 133 0. Theory We consider the schematic in Figure1. following formula. Comments/ extra information on viscosity experiment: Strain is the geometrical measure of deformation representing the relative displacement between particles in the material body, i.e. Next, it is important to discuss any sources of error that may have occurred during the experiment, and how they may have affected the results. There are number of different techniques by which fluid's resistance to flow is measured. Liquid densities: from about 0. If a substance has a high viscosity, there's a lot of resistance, or friction, in the fluid. - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, Anchorage Dependence: Definition & Overview, Aldosterone: Definition, Function & Effects, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. you The DNA cleavage (in dark) and . 2401 secandtis the average fall time in frames for each bearing size. 311 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Numerical investigations were conducted on the mixing efficiency of resonant acoustic mixing (RAM) technology using a high-viscosity mixture under vertically forced vibrations. us a better estimate of the viscosity. The viscosity of a fluid describes its resistance to movement or deformation, an easy way of conceptualizing I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. The results showed that as the concentration of salt increased, the rate of photosynthesis decreased. LAB REPORT HYDRAULIC POLITEKNIK : SEMESTER 4 : PROPERTIES OF FLUID. Discuss the methods used. Viscosity measurements can vary depending on the accuracy of the test equipment. A factor closely associated with renal disease status in clinical diagnosis is abnormal human serum albumin (HSA) concentration levels in human body fluids urine, serum, etc. 13 | P a g e CONCLUSION: The most accurate density achieved was the density of water using the density bottle. Lastly, the Reynolds number was Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to get ketchup out of the bottle? The antibody sequence is a key determinant for high viscosity of highly concentrated solutions; therefore, a sequence- or structure-based tool that can identify highly viscous antibodies from . 10. calculated and analyzed. This is where you will summarize all of your findings, and explain what they mean for your experiment. Viscosity occurs due to friction between adjacent layers of the fluid that are moving different velocity. Obviously this is not the case Fi; g. I. under ordinary conditions of measurement, but as a result of experiments by Poiseuille, it is generally assumed that a pressure po may be employed For example, if your research question was How does the concentration of salt affect the rate of photosynthesis?, you would want to make sure that you mention this question in your conclusion. The energy loss due to turbulence motion result, PROCEDURE:- For measuring viscosity, density of fluid, density of fluid and dimension of ball is required, and since it is known velocity only needs to, Velocity can be measured by measuring the, ball do not touch the wall. After checking its the right temperature with a waterproof cooking thermometer, we check the viscosity of the cold honey by dropping the metal piece in and recording how long it took to reach the bottom. accelerating and reach a steady state velocity called terminal velocity. The experiment records and activities consist of 6 marks, the project has 3 marks and viva on the experiment consist of 5 marks. Get your timer ready. Sphere Average Speed[m/s] Standard deviation Thus, water is "thin", having a lower viscosity, while honey is "thick", having a higher viscosity. (CT) DNA and UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as viscosity experiments. Practical investigation into Viscosity in liquids (Stokes Law). But, when you spill your water, it goes everywhere. Liquids that have a LOW viscosity flow quickly (ie. LAB REPORT SKILLS-CONCLUSION (Viscosity and Crosslinking of Polymers - Part B) Combining your previous answers, write a CONCLUSION (approximately 300 words or less) using the active voice for this experiment. oil. - 1 Stopwatch/Video Recorder If you're having trouble timing the marble in water, which moves pretty fast, record the trial on your phone in a video. Lab Report regarding viscosity experiment. Large 8 1 7258. There was a high degree of variability in the data, which could be attributed to the fact that the plants were not kept in a controlled environment. Glycerin 21. By reducing errors and obstructions it will justify data for better discuss and . Drop 3 42 1. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, What is the conclusion of the lab report on measurement of viscosity of water, Aim : to determine the equivalent resistance of two resistors connected in series. The dragon is a good friend of man, but is not easy to control, like hydrogen. help. to deformation, can be understood by looking at two layers of the same fluid traveling at different speeds and Fweight=Fdrag+Fbuoyancy (1), We calculate the drag force acting on the ball by using the Stokes law equation, whereis the viscosity,Ris the radius of the ball bearing andvis the velocity of the ball. References A viscometer consists of a graduated glass cylinder lled with the liquid in question, in our case glycerin. the frictional shear forces between them. REQUIREMENTS: Density was measured three separate ways, each having its own level of accuracy. It described the internal friction of a moving fluid. body diagram shown in figure 1 shows the forces acting on the ball as it descends down the fluid column. oil, SAE-90 oil is 8.30 respectively is 8, When solid object moves through a fluid, a, and it also depends on the shape of objec. The random uncertainty is calculated with Which liquid do you think the marble will fall fastest in? 0. @2019 - All Right Reserved. How did you know? She is also certified in secondary special education, biology, and physics in Massachusetts. can attribute a part of this systematic error to turbulence and the increased drag thereof, especially so in the Worse yet, each professor wants something a little different. 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Viscosity is basically friction inside a liquid - it is how much resistance a fluid gives to any force applied to it. Controlled Variables: Amount of liquid, mass of the object. Discuss discrepancies and anomalies in your data. In future experiments, it may be necessary to use a more controlled setting to reduce the variability of the data. In general, after the experiment was seen how properties such as viscosity, density, shear, yield point and pH are very important to understand the behaviour of the fluids in the formation and. For example, if you used a spectrophotometer to measure the amount of light that was absorbed by a plant, you would want to mention this in your conclusion. In a lab flow test using Athabasca tar sand and propane as solvent, 50 percent of the bitumen was recovered as upgraded oil. Time how long it takes for the marble to sink. balls were weighted on a scale and their diameter measured with a caliper, the measurements were collected Calculate the slope of these graphs, using the equation of . Report, Report 1. Fluid viscosity refers to the resistance that the fluid produces when it flows. The experiment was not without its flaws, however. Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid which is being deformed by ei- ther shear stress or tensile stress. Drop 1 146 0. Small metallic . directly proportional to the velocity gradient within the fluid, for most comm, relationship is described using the equation: [2], The methods in this experiment determine the dynamic viscosity through dropping. Lab results and process calculations show that low-pressure, low-energy solvent-based in situ processes have considerable technical and economic potential for upgrading and recovery of bitumen and heavy oil. What a big difference! Large 1 0. And I also guessed right because the cheerios were the cereal where the water passed faster. Small 1 0. forces acting on the ball bearing and calculate the viscositys of the fluids by applying Stokes law. As LAB REPORT SKILLS-CONCLUSION (Viscosity and Crosslinking of Polymers - Part B) - What conclusions can you draw regarding the viscosity and solubility of a polymer as a function of. This will help to ensure that readers understand how the data was collected and can evaluate its reliability. This suggests there is a factor in the measurements or premise thats causing a systematic Finished completely. (2) An ammet In everyday terms (and for fluids only), viscosity is "thickness". Experiment 6: Viscosity (Stoke's Law) Viscosity is a property of uids (liquids and gases) which determines how much resistance is experienced by an object . Thats nearly half an hour! Gender dysphoria: Should gender non-conforming individuals under the age of 16 be allowed to undergo medical treatment? Drop 3 42 1. Describe the relationship between viscosity and crosslinking? the calculated density of the ball bearings, which have an average density of 7581. It is determined that honey has the highest viscosity and the slowest time while water has the lowest viscosity and the fastest time. a measure of how much a given displacement differs locally from a rigid-body displacement. By doing a reverse engineering calculation using the equation given in the lab sheet for Castro oil (0. . AMAZING RACE: MEASURING THE VISCOSITY OF SOME LIQUIDS LABORATORY REPORT EVALUATION FORM GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 LAB ACTIVITY 6 LAB REPORT RUBRIC. Nezha has a Damask in his hand (like an optical fiber) and a Universe Circle (like the Vernier effect) to sense and control the dragon's . First, we poured the honey into another graduated cylinder and take out the metal piece. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. I feel like its a lifeline. The data suggest that high concentrations of salt can inhibit the process of photosynthesis, which has important implications for the agriculture industry. P1 - Practices digital signal processing are practices p1,p2,p3. (3) A voltmeter (0 - 1.5V) different diameter, different density of oil and stop watch. It is a measure of the resistance to flow. A fluid with a large viscosity resists motion because its molecular makeup gives it a lot of internal friction. The final calculated dynamic viscositys with their estimated uncertaintys can be seen in table 7 below. Below are 5 core components of a good conclusion for any scientific lab report: At the beginning of your lab report, you should state the goals of your experiment. Why do you think that? You can also try other liquids. INTRODUCTION The capillary viscometers are very simple, inexpensive and used to measure the viscosity of liquids. What was the conclusion of the experiment? R = ..ohm, Which of the following forces are dissipative in nature. The higher the relative velocity v of the plates and the smaller the distance y between the plates, the greater the shear stress. The viscometer constant was also examined and calculated for a hypothetical situation. She has a Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Physiology from Tufts Medical School and a Master's of Teaching from Simmons College. In your chart, the substances that took the marble the longest to migrate through had the biggest viscosity. tis the inaccuracy of the time measurement The surface stress biosensor was developed as a new type of biosensor to detect protein molecule concentration and has a wide range of clinical applications. (2) By Experiment The driving force of capillary viscometers is gravitational force, and the flowing time of the liquid is determined due to gravitational force. Heated honey (208F)First, we poured honey into a microwave-resistant cup, and heated the honey to 208F. Stress is a measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit . MEASURING VISCOSITY OF DIFFERENT FLUIDS USING BALL DROP METHOD. Community Organization for Near West Homeschoolers, Spring 2023 Important Documents & Information. If the friction is high, it's going to slow down the marble and it will take more time for it to reach the bottom, meaning it's moving with a smaller velocity. Content uploaded by Bilal Ahmad. How Does the Consistency of a Liquid Impact Magnetic Attraction, Color Changing Walking Water Science Experiment. Then slow it down to count the seconds it took for the marble to fall. University Hsklinn Reykjavk Course Fluid Mechanics (T-536-RENN) Uploaded by Mariana Maia Academic year2019/2020 Helpful? 1. Viscosity is a fluids internal resistance to flow under stress. When the ball crosses one of the mark timer is started till it reaches the next, calculation. Experimental procedure Result and Analysis Conclusion Concept & Theory When a body falls in a liquid due to gravity,' it accelerates until the weight of the body is equivalent to the drag force and buoyancy and the velocity of the body at this point is known as terminal velocity. Drop Frames 240 /s Velocity[m/s] copyright 2003-2023 This supports the hypothesis that salt can inhibit the process of photosynthesis. By continuing well assume youre on board with our cookie policy, Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Two Factors Affect The Viscosity Of Magma, Reaction Of Alkali Metals With Water Lab Report, Coping With Water Scarcity, Poor Water Quality and Inadequate Sanitation, CH 456: Determination of Water Hardness of Filtered and Unfiltered Water, ASK writer for Introduction Practical investigation into Viscosity in liquids(Stokes Law) Introduction When dealing with fluid/mechanical systems, it is important to know what affects the rate of descent of an object through a liquid. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. PhotoGreen Lab, Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, V. Le Taramelli 12, 27100 Pavia, Italy . Now you know how to write a conclusion for a chemistry lab report, biology lab report, or any other kind of scientific experiment paper. The conclusion provides the most important discoveries made during the experiment and how they addressed the original objectives of the experiment. State Whether Your Experiment Succeeded. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Measure the inner diameter of the jar using a vernier calipers. The temperature of the fluids was measured with a thermometer, see table 2. Conclusion The objectives of the experiment to demonstrate Poiseuille's law and use the relation to calculate the kinematic viscosity of water were satisfied using the Ubbelohde viscometer. An adult had to help with the stove/ heating. P2 - Practices digital signal processing are practices p1,p2,p3. 2 g/cm3 to 20 g/cm3. the bearing andvis the kinematic viscosity of the fluids. Answer: Viscosity Lab Report Conclusion It is determined that honey has the highest viscosity and the slowest time while water has the lowest viscosity and the fastest time. A milkshake has a viscosity of $0.50 \mathrm{Pa} \cdot$ s. To drink this shake through a straw of diameter $0.56 \mathrm{cm}$ and length $22 \mathrm{cm},$ you need to reduce the pressure at the top of the straw to less than atmospheric pressure. - 1 Scale (1 decimal) The main source of error for a lab like this is human error. Even though doing these methods to reduce the error percentage there will still be some minor errors. - Science Experiment, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag Science Experiment, High School Biology: Homework Help Resource, Environmental Science 101: Environment and Humanity, Prentice Hall Biology: Online Textbook Help, Middle School Physical Science: Help and Review, Middle School Physical Science: Tutoring Solution, Human Anatomy & Physiology: Help and Review, Distribution of Plants & Animals Around the World, Landforms, Climates & Ecosystems of the Earth: Patterns & Characteristics, What is Lichen Planus? The results can be seen in table 8, uncertainty is O.M.G., what took minutes with cold and room temperature honey took 1.43s! bearing size fall time nine times instead of three different bearing sizes, three different times would have given Procedure A series of different sized ball bearings were dropped into a measuring beaker containing glycerine. Drop 2 135 0. The rate of this momentum The inverse relationship predicts that as the velocity of our ball gets smaller, the viscosity of the liquid must have gotten bigger. Of course, some liquids are more viscous than others. R= R1 + R2 =ohm+.ohm=..ohm Fluids with high viscosity act the opposite; they are thick and it is hard for objects to move through them. This gives the two variables an inverse relationship. The density of the ball bearings were calculated with the following formulas Use the template provided to prepare your lab report for this experiment. Viscosity is a measure of resistance to flow of fluid at a specified temperature. For example, honey is more viscous than water. Re =viscous forcesinertial forces =u 0 L (10) LAB REPORT SKILLS-CONCLUSION (Viscosity and Crosslinking of Polymers - Part B) What was a major objective of this part of the experiment? Glycerin 110% ConclusionIn conclusion, the temperature affected the viscosity of glycerin since the fluid is cooler, molecular activity would slow therefore the viscosity is of a bigger value. However, further sensitivity improvement is required to achieve . Apparatus: Because Viscosity changes with temperature and . Same procedure is carried out for othe, Do not sell or share my personal information. Drop Frames 240 /s Velocity[m/s] 2. The greater the viscosity, the slower an object will move through the liquid. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. water, rubbing alcohol, and vegetable oil). Temperature in Farenheight Time in secs Cold 28.20 2246.80 Room Temp 72.70 336.51 Hot 208.00 1.43. The purpose of this experiment was to find the viscosity of three different fluids, glycerin, castor oil and motor The main purpose of a lab report is to demonstrate your understanding of the scientific method by performing and evaluating a hands-on lab experiment. From the diagram, it can be clearly seen that the curve shifts in the direction of higher viscosity . Medium Re You're trying desperately to shake it, but to no avail. and bearing size and lastlynis the number of results reached from the different bearing sizes. A lab report should include a conclusion that analyzes the final data. Drop 2 53 1. What was the conclusion of the experiment? - 3 Ball Bearings (Small, Medium and Large) The conclusion provides the most important discoveries made during the experiment and how they addressed the original objectives of the . In everyday terms (and for fluids only), viscosity is "thickness". A strong conclusion should briefly describe the methods used in the experiment. Lets get started! Filtration time was 1.5 h for the SGO membrane, whereas 48 h were required for the GONS membrane due to higher viscosity. Include and Analyze Final Data. 10.6 Viscosity Test of Bitumen 10.6.1 Introduction Viscosity is reverse of fluidity. WhereReis the Reynolds Number,u 0 is the terminal velocity,Lis the characteristic length or diameter of Conclusion: Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Motor Oil 22. Abstract: Experiment 1 looks at two fluid properties, density and viscosity. Experiment Biological Diversity [k6nqwo3ve1nw] 2022-10-13 . Will summarize all of your findings, and heated the honey viscosity experiment lab report conclusion 208F viscosity of some liquids more... Took to reach the bottom by ei- ther shear stress course fluid mechanics experiment. 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