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how much weight can a 8x8 post hold

The allowable download for the main beam in the square-cut RTC44 connection is limited to the bearing of the beam on the post and shall be determined by the designer. I am using 9 - 3" x 6" posts, 3 beams of 2" x 8" (double) beams, 2" x 6" floor joices (16 " inches apart), and the floor is 3/4" plywood. S Forums Engineering General Engineering I'll be putting 4 posts along the length, each side, and running a beam on top. Next select a length in feet and inches. You can have as many as you wish myimages[1]="../../../images/top-banner/ez50-banner.jpg" Higher values are safer. What is the maximum span of a 66 beam? You need to place the stud vertically to achieve this particular weight resistance limit. If you want to test for moisture content before you buy, pick up a moisture meter. Any professional carpenter will tell you the same thing. Capacities are per post/column and allow for a safety factor of 5. Related Lumber Wood Engineering Data: Structural Wood Lumber Engineering Properties 5" and Larger We'll say the tributary load of your interior deck footing is 3000 pounds. I'm guessing that you'll have close to 600# in the 12'x12' dock with the gangplank resting on it, not including the weight of the hardware and drums. If you're in Alaska (I'm assuming, Fairbanks?) Therefore the length of the joist 12 divided by 2 =6 , multiplied by the length of the beam 6 = 36. This product is green (wet) and is best suited for outdoor applications. Most any time we have tried to work large structural members into a project where any building department is involved, those elements are quickly phased out of the project due to cost. myimages[2]="../../../images/top-banner/BladesFreeShip.jpg" Still, frankly I don't know what the builder was thinking (or drinking, as it seems the case may have been). So I'm wondering if 6x6 would hold up the roof since they are only $30 each and the simpson strong ties are available. var imagelinks=new Array() Standard treated wood has about 0.06 lbs/cubic foot chemical retention while wood treated for ground contact has about 0.15 lbs/cubic foot. I confess I didn't actually look over the math to see how it was derived. Yes, it was for doug fir. The processing materials are hot rolled (painted) and galvanized. Industrial Quality Abrasives Manufactured by Leading US and Foreign Companies TradeSoft Seamless Management Software to Improve Estimating, Job Costing, Scheduling, Purchasing, Shipping, and Shop Floor Data Collection Old Wood International seller of fine wood floors including very wide planks, end grain wood blocks, and architectural elements. Surely there are other factors involved besides purely area, too. Certainly, 6x6s would work fine, but then I'd have to buy them; logs a free. sort of. if I ignore my labor. Change that front double two bye ten to read 16' before you show the thing to the town!! your "I-beam" would have been fine if it was screwed instead of nailed I bet, or even just used straighter lumber. /* So, I'd figure on using four 55 gallon barrels just to support the weight of the floating pier. PrivacyPolicy, T = Bearing Length (post thickness) But using correct properties and conditions, wood can withstand such deformation. Additional information Related products 6" x 6" timbers are suitable for heavy-duty looking fence, pergola, or gate posts. The actual dock will weight by itself 10.5 pounds per square foot. myimages2[2]="../../../images/top-banner/behindtheforum.jpg" Let's change that area of 2 square feet into inches. To calculate the load, you should use 40lbs per square foot for live loads (these are variable loads that are dynamic such as the weight of people and furniture) and 15 lbs per square foot for dead loads (this is the weight of the materials used for the construction of the deck) for a total load weight of 55 lbs per square foot. How To Calculate How Much Weight Something Can Hold? How have you determined the 30,000 lb load? 0.44 pounds is the weight of a one foot section of 22 lumber made from Sitka spruce. If it is a complex design, focus on the geometry of the structure. Cutting a span into pieces, though a PITA to walk around a post or two, is sometimes all you can practically do. One thing to keep in mind, not all wood types have the same strength level. 16,000. john. JavaScript is disabled. What method are you using to connect the beams where they meet at each corner? The most frequent and typical size is 8 x 8 x 16; nevertheless, it is dependent on the block's size and density. All that said, I can not guarantee that my deck, on the side 12' from the house, does not float up and down a tad. In any case, 30 kips is a substantial load to be supported by a 6x6 wood post. If there is no strong wind, a 2x4 measuring at least 8 feet can support at least 1,000 pounds vertically. I am adding a roof along the side of my house so we can park there, out of the weather. Here you can operate by assumptions that there is no wind or it is not as strong. If your have to use a 4x8 you would want so 8 would be fully under the beam and the 4 would flush up with the sides of the beam so you can run a stud from the bottom plate along the post and along side of the beam, creating a pocket. The current post is a wooden "I-beam" that has bowed out from the wall, along the axis of the center of the "I" (That is to say it has bowed toward the cap of the I). The 6x6 posts will actually be wrapped with 10" pcv column wrap. Safe loads for Wood Columns - No.1 grade Douglas fir-larch: a kip is a non-SI unit of force - it equals 1,000 pounds-force. Join your peers on the Internet's largest technical engineering professional community.It's easy to join and it's free. Standard treated wood has about 0.06 lbs/cubic foot chemical retention while wood treated for ground contact has about 0.15 lbs/cubic foot. If you buy through them I earn a small commission. For this job, I am sure that 6x6 posts would be very adequate, but for down the road I want to know what 8" and 10" logs will carry. For example, the length is 20 inches and the width is 15 inches, the area is 300 square inches. on General Board, Started by woodsy Stee: It sometimes takes me a while, but I can usually get it all explained clearly. The vertical load capacity of a "plain" wooden post will depend on its height. 12000 divided by 1/6 is 72,000 psi. Draw a weight distribution map of the structure. if you want beefier you can just build it up and clad it. Answer (1 of 4): Typically we like to limit the weight to about 40 lb/sqft on an unknown 4 slab. But you need to add up the loads based on values that go with your allowable stress. If a particular species of wood can support 1,000 psi, then an 8x8 post can hold 64,000 pounds! For my "roof", for lack of a better term, which will be 42' long by 12' wide, I will use the aspen logs as columns to support a 42' beam (4 logs under a 42' beam). Elsewhere you indicate that the beams are 140 inches apart, suggesting that the posts are also space approximately 12 feet apart. An 8x8 (even with no load) would sag under its own weight at that distance. Sponsored Links. I just want to know how many POUNDS (not "kips", whatever they are) a 10' peeled aspen log will carry when stood up, unsupported, and is 10' long, etc. The load capacity of a 3-foot #2 grade 44 is 17,426 pounds, and a similar 66 is 20,834 pounds or 16% better. After it comes through the planer it will be 1-1/2" X 11-1/4" (so yes, a 2 X 12 does not measure 2" X 12"). How Much Weight Can a 66 Post Support. Good to see that math and physics worked back then; dang stuff may NEVER go out of style! Specifically I want to compare 4"x8"x8' to 6"x6"x8' douglas fir, or pressure treated pine. This means that it has to have a moisture content below 19%. But you need to add up the loads based on values that go with your allowable stress. The thing as designed is fine and is not going anywhere. I figured kips was kilo something. Ps. I agree with "Trussdoc", bow is drying and actual loading is much less that design. After 35 yrs it is no longer "perfectly" level, but you have to work at it to notice. All rights reserved. Already a Member? Yes, for beams, the load capacity is inversely proportional to the cube of the span. To my astonishment, this one and a half decades of association with the said field has made me acutely interested in this sector. myimages[5]="../../../images/top-banner/cookie-mizer.jpg" A well-cured Cedar has a load resistance of 7,500 PSI and compressive strength of 4560 PSI. Assuming a 6ft length of 4x4 that actually measures 3.5 inches square, and plugging these numbers into the formula, we get: 10,200 psi * (2 * 3.5in * 3.5in^2) / (3 * 72in) = 4049.306 pounds This appears to be the point at which your beam will deform. When a deck is built to code, the code only requires that the deck can hold a minimum of 50 pounds per square foot. Can anyone tell me how much load a 6"x 6" pressure treated post 8'in length is rated to hold? To calculate other wood weights and volumes, check out: Just a heads up, this page contains affiliate links. 1 kip = 4448 Newtons (N) = 4.45 kilo Newtons (kN) = 453 kgf. Allowable wood stress in compression parallel to grain is 850 PSI. This calculator determines the size of each tributary area of your deck. How much weight can at post support? Click Here to join Eng-Tips and talk with other members! imagelinks[1]="" What Size Nail Gun For Fence Pickets - Choose The Right One. Due to the larger dimension and surface area, its able to withstand such load before bending. var ry=Math.floor(Math.random()*myimages2.length) How much weight can my deck support? Jake. Here it is, 0100 hrs, and I'm reading this book. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Required depth is more a function of your frost line than it is how much support you get from going deep. You indicate that the four posts support two 24 foot long beams. I'm still drawing up my gable roof over deck plans to submit to the building department. I am not sure I understand the arrangement, a photo would help immensely, or a sketch. Step 6 : Multiply the weight of the one foot section by the length of the board. First, you must consider the amount of weight your deck can hold from the ground up. so you have 1 of the posts sort of free floating presuably because the extra 1' of span was too much? You can use your mousewheel to scroll though all of the pictures. They also can be especially effective when withdrawal loads of large magnitude are anticipated. That book you referenced was very informative, btw. I think 6x6 word work fine but not look as nice. Glued and screwed) That is stronger than a 4x4. The combined uplift loads applied to all the beams must not exceed the post allowable uplift load listed in the table. For that reason, most large timber frame operations carry their own in-house grading and engineering and then of course the liability coverage to protect themselves. 16. Effective post lengths, l, Perpendicular-to-grain allowable loads do not include the NDS Bearing Area Factor, C. Parallel-to-grain values listed. Thanks. An older calculator that only computes required . kips = 1000 pounds. We have not been in the house long. Fastening it has yet to be dealt with consideration of your availability of hardware and . myimages2[3]="../../../images/top-banner/behindtheforum.jpg" You can have as many as you wish Using R1 = R2 the equation above can be simplified to R1 = R2 = (9810 N) / 2 = 4905 N = 4.9 kN Related Mobile Apps from The Engineering ToolBox Beam Supports App Step 1. Read page 29, section 44 (if I recall. Modulus of elasticity also referred to as Tensile Modulus or Young's Modulus. I wouldn't be concerned about a 4x4. The processing length and hole are produced according to the processing requirements. Depending on various factors, the maximum span for a 28 floor joist is 16' 6". Calculate the weight the beam must support. if (ry==0) Determine the Pad's Area. function random_imglink(){ The material you use to support vertically are your posts. If you chose to use cedar post, its maximum height would be 10 ft. Load Area (sf) per Deck Post. The top of a beam has 2mm (1/12 in) x 2 inch of steel, which is 1/6 square inch. Is the post framed into a wall? stee6043 Minister of Fire Aug 22, 2008 2,648 West Michigan Jul 30, 2009 #7 What is it you're buidling? Span for 8x8 Timber beam. Is the construction new? $75,000. What frames on top of the post? The formulas and tables list nearly every span imaginable along with all the various design loads. 1. Stoves: BIS Ultima, Napoleon 1100CP, Woodstock Fireview. Ive put in plenty of glue lamb beams and never seen a post wider than the beam. A few examples of these are shown in the picture above.Whitewood Lumber. If you choose pressure treated lumber, take note that 85% of pressure treated lumber sold in the US is southern yellow pine, so that is probably what you have. 393. on General Board, Started by Jeff In most cases you can go to 80 lb/sqft in isolated spots, but unless you know roughly what the soil bearing and reinforcing is for that slab you might be looking at cracking. It then determines the total load from each tributary area based on the design load of your deck. Let's break it down, using the large 6-8 person hot tub in my chart above as an example. Keep in mind that 40lb. Sorry about that. How far can you span a 66 post? There are a couple of types of hurricane ties that will work for the rafters with all of the Simpsons being adequate, nailing them on is also fine, no need for screws, as long as you use the nails specified on the simpson web site, fill every hole, and don't leave any just bent over. If you use the right ones in the wrong place, it sure confuses things. 49.02. //specify corresponding links below For maximum design load you should be safe using 400 psi, that's about 12,000 lbs. Typically, a deck can hold a minimum of 50 pounds per square foot. Load due to the weight of a mass - m - is mg Newton's - where g = 9.81 m/s2. Our Christmas Shutdown is from December 22, 2022 - January 2, 2023. In a 2x6 wall it would be sitting on top of a 4x6 with a 2x6 running up each side from the plate to plate. stick a couple of 2x4s beside it to hold the beam in place if you want. Yes, the posts on one side of the beam are sort of "floating" actually they are attached to the wall by a 2x4 "plate" at the bottom, and tied in with a sort of cross brace at the top. Maximum Deck Post Height (ft) Wood Species. One year of on demand One on One coaching and mentorship directly with Greg Dickerson via Zoom, phone, email, text Monday-Friday between the hours of 8am-5pm EST. Deck post sizes - 40 psf Live, 10 psf Dead. Yes, the 36" footer should raise flags, and code here is also 42" (to the top of the footer). Have fun!! Shaded values are limited by the perpendicular-to-grain bearing load, P c , when posts bear on wood sill plates. But first, generally, how far can a 28 span without support? MDF is a lightweight composite material in the world of carpentry. That is what has prompted me to create this blog along with other experienced team members to share the new thoughts, tips, and tricks on woodworking, gardening, and outdoor tools with you. One thing to keep in mind, as the length of the stud increases, the weight capacity will decrease accordingly. Come join the discussion about tools, projects, builds, styles, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Other more stringent kiln-dried standards exist but KD-19 is the most common. What are the Max Watts on a 15/20 Amp Circuit? Exactly what are the initials for? Serving North Marin & West Sonoma Counties in the San Francisco North Bay area of Northern California. Working harder than ever. My rule of thumb for simple loads is, no more than 4' span, use a 2X4, up to 6' span, use a 2X6, and up to a 8' span, use a 2X8, which is what I would recommend in your case. john, Good God. A 44 lumber with a length of 8 feet can resist weight from 6000-6500 lbs. Thank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. myimages2[1]="../../../images/top-banner/behindtheforum.jpg" From contributor A: A 6 x 8 will span 12' for flooring. You are using an out of date browser. Have You Read My All-Time Most Popular Post? Are you planning on building a fence? Use 2x4s sistered together. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Nov 15, 2017 at 5:19 LRU 51 1 1 7 With symmetrical and equal loads the support forces also will be symmetrical and equal. 48. 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. Whatever has produced your bow, you should include a bending component in your calculation, which will reduce your allowable stress! Other sizes weigh between 28 and 35 pounds, depending on the weight of the wearer. This means that our 4-ply 2 X 12 will be 4 X 1-1/2 inches wide or 6 inches. Live Load For headers, the maximum span is 11' 2". I have 9' height on parts of my deck being supported by 6x6x16' posts buried 4' in the ground with proper footings. */ These commissions go towards things like hosting fees and creation of new articles. The stand dimensions is : L = 1500mm, W = 1000mm, H = 1000mm ( sorry for metrics.. I'm from SA) I have attached a pic of the stand so you guys can see where it will be braced as well. Custom built Cook's-style hydraulic bandmill. / 203 KG) Polaris 800 PRO-RMK 163 (408 lbs. I want to have a 10' clear height for a room, so I'll be walking around some naked (unsupported) posts. imagelinks2[2]="" Here is a list of the wood types that have higher weight resistance. Next time, I'll send in a sketch. Words. Max lifting capacity for an average human adult, Allowable uniform loads - W beams vs. LVL, Simplification of load on beam for Max M and D, Help with wheels, stopping forces and possibly Simpack, Calculating the force that a permanent magnet exerts on a particle, Heat loss from the temperature difference. Our Large Pontoon Floats (22 x 24 x . This advertisement will close in seconds. When it comes to how much weight a wall can hold, it really depends on the type and thickness of the wall. Considering an 8ft x 16ft dock has three 16ft floats it will support 3 x 16ft x 65lbs = 3,120lbs. If I understand you correctly, you have four posts in the garage. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Timber frame outdoor kitchen. You're talking about a huge loss of this thing buckles. Eventually, you will find the appropriate weight capacity of your structure. /* I also built my addition, about 25 yrs ago, slab on grade, no foundation wall. if(typeof fbuilderjQuery=='undefined'&&typeof jQuery!='undefined')fbuilderjQuery=jQuery.noConflict(); First, select whether or not you have treated wood. for framing a wall) is usually one of the following softwoods (also called whitewoods): You can usually find the species of wood by looking on the tag stapled to one of the ends. Reinforced concrete integrated T-beam, girder, and 1-way slab calculator: New and improved! I don't know where you are located but around here the 8x8 PT posts are located next to the 6x6 PT posts in all three building supply stores. It may not display this or other websites correctly. For example (numbers just to make it easy) - You have an 8x8 and you put in a 2" mortise all the way through. Calculate the weight of the snow on your roof. (Architectural Woodworking Forum) The higher your deck is off the ground, however, the less weight per square foot it can take. ry=1 To determine the maximum load capacity of your deck, start by calculating its total area and multiply by 50 psf. I would think you would need to be deeper than us here in MI. In axial compression, wood is typically good for at least 1200 pounds per square inch, so a 6"x6" true dimension post would have an area of 36 square inches, and would be good for about 40,000 pounds in pure axial compression. Because of this, a block used to support a column can bear less weight than the same block used to support a slab. Each tributary area of Northern California, not all wood types have the same thing support. 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how much weight can a 8x8 post hold