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superpowers with a twist

Bertha Crawford, aka Big Bertha, has the ability to alter the mass of her body, allowing this supermodel to go from small to large and in charge. Twist: Every time you use your power, it makes you pass gas all the while . What if there was a hero that could potentially take out an entire army while in such a state? You can live your life as you choose, knowing you will never die. Cruz was was born with the mutant ability to "tag," wherein Cruz would make physical contact with a person or an object, imbuing whatever is touched with a psionic signature. We can't blame them; after all, when Dazzler first showed up, clad head-to-toe in sequins and sparkles, rocking her best bell bottoms, readers saw a character that would quickly fizzle out. Most shape-shifters use their powers for infiltration at some point. Something to anoint with. This power has many of the same disadvantages as flight. Carey. But it's not just Shatterstar's enhanced healing factor that makes this mutant so hard to put down; in actuality, Shatterstar possesses an ability that is as weird as it is OP. But while this might normally just cause a bad smell and some potential chafing, sweat can actually be useful, provided you're a mutant that can turn acidic sweat into energy blasts. Would you rather read people's thoughts or . "We live in a reality of many dimensions layered upon one another. Sure, it sounds stupid, but this ridiculous super power is all kinds of OP. Miles Morales has a camouflaging stealth mode which renders him invisible a skill he uses both offensively and defensively. Just make sure to have them inside your protective circle. . The. Elasticity; Archetype:Trickster; 4th Wall Awareness; Glitching; Reality Hacking; Unpredictability; Plot Armor; Inflation; Antiforce Manipulation Major 12. Superman can turn his heat vision on or off when he wants to use it. For the uninitiated, "intangibility," is the ability to alter one's atoms in such a way that they can walk through walls, or alternatively, let things like bullets pass through them harmlessly. RELATED: 10 Comic Book Superpowers That Are Highly Overrated. I note a distinct lack of mentioning Captain Nazi's condition in your statement. Youd be able to diagnose broken bones and other ailments, but youll be giving your patients a healthy dose of radiation. Although it might look cool when Nightcrawler *BAMFs* from location to location during battle, his teleportation doesn't matter as much as his hand-to-hand fighting skills (or a combination of both). Invisibility is a basic superpower that has no real offensive uses but can help supplement other powers and works great for defense. If Tag had been given time to fine-tune his power, he could use his tagging to control or protect entire cities. Sure, you survive this explosion, but having a friend that will cause you to spontaneously explode would put a serious damper on your friendships. Inuyashiki uses his . He's not the only one with this "power" however, others include John Browning, Joseph Caspar Messofanti and Dr. Carlos do Amaral Freire. Which one would you pick? Of course, X-ray vision is real. Problem was, Gin Genie had a tough time maintaining, leading to stray quakes and dangerous tremors. Witches have long imbued objects and jewelry with magickal energy and used to amplify their abilities. In doing so, the friction of the molecules in the atmosphere hitting your body will create incredibly high temperatures, incinerating you despite the frigid temperatures. But in the end, Gin Genie was treated as a joke, despite her potentially OP power set. If you thought Matter-Eater Lad's name was straightforward, say hello to Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, with the amazing ability to change any part of his body into any animal, vegetable, or mineral. Anoint the paper with a few drops of oil (or water) and place it just below the candle. 24/25 X-Ray Vision Is A Classic Ability That Isn't Always Useful Offensively. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. 7 The Real-Life Spider-Man. This is a simple ritual that doesnt requireanythingapart from time and focus. The ability to cause anything to twist. It allows one to get into a locked room or somewhere else a person isn't meant to go. At the end of the day, of all the great superpowers, none are as great as power mimicry. He is big and strong, but those pale in comparison to his impenetrable his skin which makes him just about unbeatable. It is that quality that . Marvel's Agents of Shield story arc got a few twists when season 7 aired on May 27. If someone had Superpowers, what are the easiest ways for them to test their limits. File this super power under "super grody." He uses a visor which allows him to control the power, but if he loses said visor, there is no control over its devastation. If the costume gets destroyed or ripped up what happens then? The most famous examples of this superpower are Wolverine and Deadpool. Built with Web technologies, Superpowers's core provides an extensible infrastructure for all kinds of collaborative tools. (This article originally came out under the author's commentary Perspective in Business World, Nov. 2, 2001.) As the team's resident hot head, Anarchist used his oddball sweat powers to fight various bad guys in pursuit of fame. Killing Paris Hiltion is just gonna make the media mention her again. Deadpool said it best: "Luck isn't a super power." In the right hands, Chlorophyll Kid's powers could help the hero go toe-to-tree with some of the strongest foes the Legion of Super-Heroes ever faced. Sub-power of Deformation Manipulation. Their worth it despite being the embodiment of /pol/s wet dream. Running incredibly fast would be usefulif America were an open field. After Toni hears about the bomb in Archie's house, she knows it was planted by the Ghoulies on Hiram's behalf. What would happen upon your arrival? However, at the end of the day, shapeshifting usually doesn't offer increased power. Invisibility. The other downsides of immortality include outliving loved ones and spending eternity alone. Heat/Laser vision is a superpower, allowing someone to shoot lasers from their eyes at an opponent, a wall, or just about anything else. The most useful power would be to rewrite the memories of people. With a little effort from Anarchist, that is one OP power. The LOSH may not have seen it, but the fact is that, while the power may sound silly, Chlorophyll Kid's ability to stimulate plant growth has the potential to be truly powerful. While shapeshifting is a form of body manipulation, it entails a totally different idea. If you asked a hardcore Spider-Man fan to assemble a list of Spidey's definitive villains, Spot likely wouldn't make the top 10. The benefits of teleportation largely depend on the savviness of its user, but it is undeniably useful to a solo hero or team member. These incredible superpowers help set up a defensive perimeter, but force fields can also be used offensively, cutting off someone's oxygen supply or using them as constructs. But at least one member of the team possesses a power that has the potential to be OP. Super luck? Marvel heroes like Captain Mar-Vell and his children Genis-Vell and Phyla-Vell have all been gifted with an ability known as Cosmic Awareness. But with a better understanding of vehicle mechanics and a little imagination, Overdrive could theoretically morph any jalopy into whatever he desired: a rocket bike, a monster truck, even brand new vehicles that humans have yet to dream up. Flying is one of the most typical superpowers available for most heroes. Bww just joined the crew!. I seek to hone this single power. By mixing different types of drinks, Gin Genie could produce different styles of seismic activity. When I looked at the title I thought this was going to be a rant about Heroes. However, she has the power to generate a force field that can protect her and anyone inside it from threats outsides. When it comes to invulnerability, a person is never out of a fight and can keep plugging away towards victory. These powers might sound stupid, but don't be fooled -- they are secretly super OP! To many, this might sound like a downright useless power. But as long as you stay in your natural form, no one has any way to connect you to Captain Nazi. It is a power best used to fool people and isn't too great for actual combat. Everybody you know and love inevitably dies. Let me rape her a few times, then kill her. eat this dirt to make a tunnel! The twist is that it causes immense pain on your back, pain so bad you feel like passing out. I do superhero stuff in places like Japan or Thailand. If you want to get technical, Domino isn't actually super lucky; rather, her power is "subconscious telekinetic probability manipulation." Take your time with this step and dont attempt to rush it. Magma? The power might look goofy, but its applications definitely aren't. Many people believe their life would be far easier with the ability to read minds. But when Anarchist really works up a sweat, it has been found that he can produce blasts strong enough to eat through steel and level buildings. It may not display this or other websites correctly. She could make a special weapon invisible, allowing a sneak attack as well. Time travel has its advantages. He could wage wars on small countries and take out heroes with ease, padding his ranks with hypnotized superheroes. These spells however dont focus on any specific ability, instead, they help you unlock your own individual strengths and amplify your power. Indeed it is a bit of a buzz kill but take this musing under consideration and big thanks to Andrew Fitzgerald for his help. This ritual allows us to charge excess energy into an object to help focus our magick strength over time. Focus on the energy and allow it to slowly grow. If you put your hands out to catch a massive jetliner that is plunging at hundreds of miles an hour, you will simply punch through the hull, likely killing anyone on the other side. You decide if you would take that power with the twist. In fact, this portal-slinging punk possesses a power that is completely OP. Would concerns would you have for your personal safety? Youll live forever and see how far our species progresses. 25/25 Sometimes She Will Completely Rewrite All Of Reality. This was an era in which stories about Jimmy Olson getting married to an ape were perfectly normal, and the heroes of the time regularly received bizarre new powers to suit the story. Cast your protective circle around your ritual space before beginning. We need you on the team, too.. Support Newgrounds and get tons of perks for just $2.99! Go to to shop their Holiday Sales, plus get an additional 1. Focus your mind very clearly on the power youre trying to work on. Maybe the ability to sweat acid or grow plants isn't quite as cool as your standard array of powers, but to write these inventive abilities off completely would be a mistake. In theory, these explosion-happy chums could run around constantly pushing their rings together, generating enough constant explosions to level a city. 10 Batman Stories We Hope Are Never Adapted, 10 Marvel Heroes Stronger Than Their MCU Counterparts, 10 Best DC Characters Created In The Last Five Years, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason, 10 Greatest Losses From Marvel's AXE Judgment Day, Rick and Morty Enter the Lovecraft Dimension to Fight Cthulhu (Exclusive Preview), 10 Betrayals That Cut The X-Men To Their Core. injustice nintendo switch By Inmodern japanese breakfast Add Comment. Main Use: Replicating the appearance of a person down to their clothing and/or changing oneself into any animal. With her malleable plastic noggin, Thursday can construct anything she can dream up: tentacles, buzzsaws, a T-Rex head, you name it! This could be used to collect wealth without even needing to steal it. Aura Reading - The ability to read auras. Clear rating. Anarchist could then metabolize his acid sweat and produce corrosive energy blasts from his hands, vaporizing anything unlucky enough to be hit by it. The preparation is the same for all of them. Antimatter Manipulation Major 12. The ability to move objects with one's mind, regardless of (reasonable) mass, is a very desirable power, indeed. Fantastic is often seen as the least (physically) powerful member of the Fantastic Four. well wearing a Swastiza and saying ha*l hitler is actually illegal in germany also i would feel extremely uncomfortable. "A mutant . There are different forms of power absorption, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Following replies explain how the parent fulfills their goal with the given power. The following reading superpowers are anonymous because, well, some of them are better left unsigned. DC's Main Man hated Goldstar with a passion, seeing the perpetually chipper hero as the embodiment of everything Lobo hated. Shape-Shifting (with matter creation/destruction and superhuman senses) Power: Shape-shifting. Take Beast Boy's animal transforming power, Poison Ivy's ability to summon plants, and throw in a knack for turning any segment of the human body into any mineral, like Metamorpho, and you've got Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man. When anything you lift feels as light as a feather, youre going to have a hard time controlling your strength. Heck, just ask Tony Stark, who saw his life fall to pieces after donning the Iron Man armor while inebriated. Cypher is the textbook definition of "power that sounds dumb, but is actually crazy overpowered." What would you do if you had the ability to grant superpowers? The uniform does not come off and you can't use the powers without it. In a way, it's even better because you don't actually have to be doing the actual lifting with your body. It has a good shocker surprise that will make you smile having found a good hidden power anime with an even better surprise ending twist. For this week's Drum Marketing Awards in London, we're providing some really special ice breakers but you don't actually have to attend to join in on the game. A sudden car, tree, or cute puppy is a formula for disaster. Hospitals use machines which look through human flesh, but can't see through bones, so it presents an image from inside the body. The most obvious form is the Absorbing Man's, able to absorb the qualities of whatever he touches. I would pick the ability to predict the future. And you are transformed. When Cruz tags something, he can either cause people to run away from the tagged object, or, alternatively, cause people to swarm it. Mini-Superman possessed all the same abilities as the OG, but just so happened to only be a couple inches high. But even the silliest of super powers can be downright overpowered, if you stop and think about it. They always arrive in the same location. Thanks to the unique physiology of a Kryptonian, exposure to yellow sun rays endows them with power that makes them almost godlike. With a roster that numbers in the low hundreds, the X-Men have seen plenty of heroes blow through over the years, rocking some interesting codenames. The ability to shapeshift your head may sound useless, but trust us; this has the potential to be one OP power. This is a good ritual to begin manifesting your powers but will lack the potency of some of the more complicated spells. About to take a shotgun blast to the stomach? "That leads to my third superpower; I help you with career options. He could grow a forest of palm trees, providing cover for allies. Repeat the incantation while holding your focus on the visualization of having this potent power. 5. I guess I can wear something over the uniform and nobody actually needs to hear me say the words, so it could be much worse. By the end of the first three episodes of "The Boys" Season 3, which all debuted Friday on Amazon Prime Video, Hughie is back doing things the old way with Butcher while sorting out how to . Yes, I will use these powers, it will be awesome. As a member of the Hellions, Tag, aka Brian Cruz, lent his unusual skill set to Emma Frost's personal squad. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video! Created by: Craig McCracken. At high speeds, you may have superhuman reflexes, but now your minds reaction speed is going to hold you back. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts This thread is offensive!! When you break the sound barrier, the friction of your body hitting the air molecules will produce incredible heat and burn you alive. Opposite of Straightening. You can work on unlocking specific powers or allow magick to unlock inner strengths you hadnt even thought of. OH MY! NEXT. The right side of his body could become a cactus, the left side a T-Rex, and the rest could become unbreakable diamond; the combinations are literally endless. But Mandrill could very well redeem himself. Before continuing, you need tocompletelyclear your mind. There are immortals who can't die, like Death itself. So mote it be. How would the fact that everyone has a superpower affect your decision? Supervillains like Mystique can make themselves look like anyone else, while heroes like Mister Fantastic can twist their bodies into any shape they want. Dazzler can use sound waves to create hard-light holograms, she can convert the rhythm of a song into a powerful concentrated photon light blast, or even generate ultraviolet light potent enough to melt metal. Archery Ability 1. DC's Legion of Super-Heroes are very serious when it comes to new recruits. As a member of the publicity-minded X-Force, Gin Genie got sloshed for justice, using her booze-bolstered quakes to take on terrorists. Superheroes have captured my attention for decades and I am almost positive that I am not the only one (insert Comic Con tickets here). Despite the odd nature of the power, Tag's tagging allows the mutant to function both defensively (tagging civilians or a team mate to cause villains to avoid them) and offensively (tagging a foe to make people swarm the individual), making Tag a real double threat. The only "equipment" that he carries is a bag of chalk dust. Immortality is a nice superpower to have if a person really doesn't want to die. Jubilee can vary the size and intensity of her fireworks with a thought, which she has used to produce fireworks ranging from tiny pops to massive explosions. MEL has consumed the nearly-indestructible Amazonium, he's eaten a burning vehicle, and he's even scarfed down laser beams! In March 2018 researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reported a groundbreaking discovery that two graphene layers can conduct electricity without resistance when the twist angle between them is 1.1 degrees, referred to as the "magic angle.". Take for example the Almighty of Yhwach (Bleach). These powers aid a superhero or villain in a fight immensely, but like other lower-ranked powers, the superhero or villain also has to have other powers or enhanced fighting skills in order to compliment these enhanced senses. Cast: Jack Fisher, Amanda C. Miller, Lily Rose Silver, Tom Kenny, Fred Tatasciore, Keith Ferguson. Born Tike Alicar, Anarchist was a publicity hound, eager to use his mutant abilities to get into the limelight. Answer (1 of 4): > What are some twists you could put on an overpowered super power that would make it fair to use in a fight? Every child has fantasized about an unexpected snow day so they wont have school. RPG. In addition, if you couldnt filter individual thoughts out, the constant influx of minds would be utterly overwhelming, inducing the worst headaches known to man. The Silver Age of Comics was weird. Menaced these heroes with what, you may ask? The lantern-jawed hero could have been a genuine heavy hitter on just about any DC superteam, but the guy was unlucky enough to get saddled with Lobo. Dont get too excited though! Visit Shawn Lealos' website to learn more about his novel writing and follow him on Twitter @sslealos. That outlier aside, there's a reason that Mr. But think about it: the Dyna-Ring had no limit to its amount of uses, and Dan and TNT didn't need to recover from an explosion. Such is the case with former X-Statix member Anarchist. Count the number of papillae you can see within the hole. The book then takes a personal twist as Lee details his battle with an abrupt cancer diagnosis and how the recovery ordeal opened his eyes to elements of the emotional and social landscape he'd skated lightly past in his . Invisible Woman could use her powers to make someone else invisible and let them sneak up on an opponent. Lead pipes? One of the most well-known superpowers is X-ray vision, the ability to see through solid objects or people. But if Lobo had just allowed Goldstar to use his potentially OP superpower on him, the Main Man may have realized how useful the hero is. Spot's whole shtick is pretty straightforward: this baddie can create teleportation "spots," which manifest as little black circles. Have any items or equipment ready and next to you. However, his other hyper-powered senses are invaluable when it comes to fighting and winning battles. Computer code, body language, architecture, spellcasting; it's all language. And for every thousand feet you go up, the temperature drops 1.65 degrees Celsius (3.0 degrees Fahrenheit). Energy within, Do not wear the item constantly throughout the day. a person who has strange mental powers and abilities (such as the ability to predict the future, to know what other people are thinking, or to receive messages from dead people) a way of communicating thoughts . But thanks to Shatterstar's bizarre mutant ability, he can avoid that unpleasant business altogether by just moving his organs around. being the embodiment of /pol/s wet dream. Laserbeam eyes, metallic claws that pop out of your hands, the ability to fly faster than the speed of light: comic book fans can universally agree that these are cool super powers. This is . Your selfish desire for a particular type of weather would have serious repercussions. After all, this former New Mutants member has the mutant ability to understand any language, which, if taken literally, just makes him Google Translate in X-Men spandex. These spells to get powers help you unlock yourtrueabilities. You will be able to hear and see everything in a persons mind but you will be an insect for the remaining duration of your life. This entire experience reminds me of Captain Todger. This is optional but if you have them available, there are several crystals well suited to manifesting new powers and strengthening existing ones. With teleportation, you have the convenience of flight without the risk of spontaneous combustion a a result of friction, freezing due to cold temperatures, or suffocating due to lack of air. No matter how adept you are at recovering from an injury, it's still a chore to have to bounce back from, say, a bullet through the brain. You dont need any traditional altar items for this but youre (of course) free to use them if you wish. Really, when a hero proclaims to be "super lucky," you wouldn't be blamed for rolling your eyes. 1. Overwhelming strength, flight and an array of powers too long to list all are at people like . I explicitly say to kill Paris Hilton, people don't just do it anyways. It's silly, but this power is 100% OP. Something that seems to exist for anybody to slip on a pair of tights, the whole ageless gimmick is somewhat old. Why, her transforming plastic head, of course! "Britain and Germany thought they were winning World War II by trying to bomb the other into submission. Unlike shapeshifting which merely allows a person to copy the looks of another, power mimicry allows the person to copy whatever it is the other can do. But as silly as it might sound, this is the power the crime-fighting duo Dan The Dyna-Mite and TNT possessed, and its this power that has the potential to be totally OP. Its literally indestructible. Desperate is the word to describe the antics of the trade superpowers on the eve of the Fourth Ministerial of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Doha, Qatar. The White pill gives you the power to attract any woman. But not every comic character can shoot lasers or fly super fast. It's not often a problem can be solved with eating, but Matter-Eater Lad's OP super power allows this hero to save the day with his insatiable appetite. He has worked as a journalist for 25 years, starting in newspapers and magazines before moving to online media as the world changed. What if ROB offers you power at a price? The more detail the better but this is entirely optional. Once youve completed the ritual blow out the candlebut do not close your circle yet. Allow your mind to clear and your attention to be drawn inward. However, being able to fly without using any special devices gives any hero or villain an advantage over those stuck on the ground. X-fans might have been quick to label Cypher useless, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Tomorrow an elderly man approaches you. Why yall gotta be hating on me. Child2: Wait until the terrorist is eating spaghetti, then make it uncooked. Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) by. Imagine being able to witness the entire rise of human civilization firsthand. In the end, youll find yourself constantly going back in time to try to fix your mistakes and will never find perfection. When you're running around fighting the forces of evil in a form-fitting spandex costume, sweat should be expected. Debuting in Amazing Spider-Man: Swing Shift in 2007, Overdrive proved to be a new kind of villain for Spidey. We need to prepare both the ritual space and yourself before casting. Sure, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man won't win any points in the name originality department (at least not positive points), but this forgotten Doom Patrol baddie is much more powerful than his goofy name might suggest. If you go ahead and fly through the pain, within a year you will be permanently paralysed from the waist down and have to live the rest of your life in a wheelchair. However, despite his long and varied career in super-crime, Mandrill always seems to end up on the losing side. Thus, Goldstar became a reoccurring target for the Ultimate Bastich, as Lobo made it a mission to mock and humiliate the hero. This team of perennial Z-listers might use the Avengers name, but they are far from Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Like Death itself an ability known as Cosmic Awareness Cosmic Awareness that he carries is basic... Produce different styles of seismic activity civilization firsthand prepare both the ritual space and before... X27 ; s thoughts or Captain Nazi `` Luck is n't a super power is kinds. Textbook definition of `` power that sounds dumb, but this power is all kinds of OP correctly. 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superpowers with a twist